Llevar adelante el proceso de búsqueda y selección de personas. Brindar la inducción al producto de asesores comerciales. Desarrollar capacitaciones en procedimientos y técnica de venta. Se valorarán las siguientes competencias Oratori...
*At this time, we are only receiving applications from candidates who are currently situated in the Americas. Please make sure your CV is in English only, thank you.Important Notice: By applying through LHR Americas, you are ensuring that y...
*At this time, we are only receiving applications from candidates who are currently situated in the Americas. Please make sure your CV is in English only, thank you. Important Notice: By applying through LHR Americas, you are ensuring tha...
Importantemultinacionaldelrubroindustrialcontratavendedoresquerepresentenlamarcaensucuidadparaestablecerymantenerrelacionescomercialesconclientesactivosypotenciales,identificandonuevasoportunidadesdedesarrollodelcatálogoencadaunodeellos. L...