Tenemos una oportunidad para vos Nos encontramos en la búsqueda de Operarios de producción para importante empresa de rubro alimenticios. Las principales tareas del puesto serán Manipulación de materia prima. Colaboración en procesos pr...
At this time, we are only receiving applications from candidates who are currently situated in the Americas. Please ensure your CV is in English only. Important Notice: By applying through LHR Americas, your CV will be manually reviewed b...
- At this time, we are only receiving applications from candidates who are currently situated in the Americas. Please ensure your CV is in English only. Important Notice: By applying through LHR Americas, your CV will be manually reviewed b...
At this time, we are only receiving applications from candidates who are currently situated in the Americas. Please make sure your CV is in English only, thank you. Important Notice: By applying through LHR Americas, you are ensuring that...
Importantemultinacionaldelrubroindustrialcontratavendedoresquerepresentenlamarcaensucuidadparaestablecerymantenerrelacionescomercialesconclientesactivosypotenciales,identificandonuevasoportunidadesdedesarrollodelcatálogoencadaunodeellos. L...