146 Measuring pixel spatial response with X-rays
Continuously Self Imaging Grating (CSIG) method. The latter is currently under development at DAp, in collaboration with ONERA (the...
Continuously Self Imaging Grating (CSIG) method. The latter is currently under development at DAp, in collaboration with ONERA (the...
at ONERA Toulouse, dedicated to the study of the interaction of a chemically reactive plasma with material specimen... available at ONERA : mass spectrometry, XPS, Raman spectroscopy, QCM measurement, FT-IR spectroscopy, … For more Information...
with ONERA (Jérôme Primot and Cindy Bellanger team). Finally, overall performance will be tested at LAM on dedicated benches...
of the physical phenomena occurring in the combustion chamber of hybrid engines. For several years now, ONERA has been... simulations of the gas flow inside the combustion chamber of a hybrid engine. ONERA is also developing a numerical simulation tool...
for material space experiment on-board the ISS). In particular, ONERA has contributed with industrial partners and CNES to the... investigations will be shared between ONERA/DPHY premises and ENSAM/PIMM laboratory where additional experimental tests...
) of ONERA is dedicated to te study of this multi-physics and multi-scale environment. It specialized for several decades in the...
between the Institute of Light and Matter (iLM, A. Miffre), the ONERA (M. Raybaut) and the Néel Institute, (IN, B. Boulanger). Co...-funding is hence asked with ONERA. References B. Bruneteau, B. Faure, J. Debray, G. Souhaité, P. Segonds, H. Ishizuki, T...
numerical simulation tools such as ONERA's SoNICS computational framework can be used as it takes advantage of automatic mesh...
in the field of space propulsion, ONERA, in collaboration with the Pprime Institute (CNRS) and the Space Propulsion Institute... (DLR Lampoldshausen), has established PhD theses on the RDC. ONERA uses its own research code CEDRE to simulate the...
thruster. The ECRA thruster is an innovative electric satellite engine developed at ONERA. It uses microwave electrical...'s energy into ions axial momentum, which produces the thrust force. Recent developments and results obtained at ONERA...