Rationalisierung (FIR) e.V. an der RWTHAachen profitieren unsere Kunden von modernsten Methoden und Verfahren. Wir selbst sehen... Einsatzoptimierung ihrer Software- und IT-Landschaft. Durch die enge Verzahnung mit der RWTHAachen und dem Forschungsinstitut für...
Company Description The Service Management department optimizes processes in the operation, maintenance and repair of technical systems. We use modern technologies and innovative concepts to create sustainable added value. AI and ML are p...
Company Description The Service Management department optimizes processes in the operation, maintenance and repair of technical systems. We use modern technologies and innovative concepts to create sustainable added value. MLOps play a de...
Company Description In order to extend the service life and added value of plants, use resources more efficiently and at the same time achieve economic and ecological sustainability goals, it is necessary to consistently implement the con...