Naš klijent - jedan od vodećih europskih tvrtki u prehambrenoj industriji - traži industrijskog električara za održavanje opreme u proizvodnom području. Ti si idealan kandidat ako imaš iskustva kao tehničar elektronike za industrijsku tehno...
Our client - one of the leading european suppliers in its product groups food- is looking for an Industrial electrician to maintain equipment in the production area. You are the ideal candidate if you have experience as electronics technici...
Our client - one of the leading european suppliers in its product groups food- is looking for an Industrial mechanic to maintain equipment in the production area. You are the ideal candidate if you have experience as mechanic, mechatronics ...
Our client - one of the leading european suppliers in its product groups food- is looking for an Metalworker to maintain technical systems. You are the ideal candidate if you have experience in installation and implementation of new technic...
Naš klijent - jedan od vodećih europskih tvrtki u prehambrenoj industriji - traži vozača kamiona za isporuku peradi (živih životinja) našim kupcima. Ti si idealan kandidat ako posjeduješ važeću vozačku dozvolu CE s važećim C95, vozačku kart...
Our client - one of the leading european suppliers in its product groups food- is looking for an Facility Manager to maintain the building and the outdoor facilities. You are the ideal candidate if you have experience in facility management...
Altenpflegehelfer (m/w/d) ab 2500€ Einsatzort:Waldkraiburg Art(en) der Anstellung:Teilzeit, Vollzeit Als Pflegekraft hast du nicht nur deinen Beruf, sondern deine Berufung gefunden? Mit Leidenschaft sorgst du dich um die Betreuung der...
Naš klijent - jedan od vodećih europskih tvrtki u prehambrenoj industriji - traži industrijskog mehaničara za održavanje opreme u proizvodnom području. Ti si idealni kandidat ako imaš iskustva kao mehaničar, tehničar mehatronike, mehaničar ...
Über uns: Unser Kunde, die Nitrochemie Aschau GmbH, ein Gemeinschaftsunternehmen der Rheinmetall, ist ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen in der Herstellung von u.a. Antriebs- und Treibladungssystemen, Treibladungspulvern bis hin zu komple...
Wir suchen Dich ab sofort als Mitarbeiter im Versand (m/w/d) in Vollzeit am Standort Aschau. Versandmitarbeiter (m/w/d) am Standort Aschau: Stundenlohn: 19,92 € Gute Übernahmeoption Einsatzort: Aschau am Inn Einsatztage: Montag bi...