Wir von HAAS PERSONALMANAGEMENT unterstützen KMU´s und inhabergeführte Unternehmen bei ihrer Stellenbesetzung. Im Rahmen unserer Beratungstätigkeit, stehen wir als HR Experten mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Wir sind persönlich für Dich da und l...
Für ein Industrieunternehmen mit Sitz in Ampfing suchen wir für Sie als Lagermitarbeiter (m/w/d) für das Großlager. Kurz und knackig - die wichtigsten Infos: Einstieg ab 16,- bis 17,- Euro/Std. brutto zzgl. Zulagen Mo - Do: 6 - 16 Uhr / ...
>>Ihr Ansprechpartner Martina Steinberger Personaldisponentin Martina Steinberger Personaldisponentin Zusätzliche Job-Informationen Einsatzort: Ampfing Bundesland: Bayern Branche: Holz Beschäftigungs-Verhältnis: ...
Our client - one of the leading european suppliers in its product groups food- is looking for an Industrial electrician to maintain equipment in the production area. You are the ideal candidate if you have experience as electronics technici...
Our client - one of the leading european suppliers in its product groups food- is looking for a truck driver to deliver poultry (live animals) to our customers. You are the ideal candidate if you have a valid C or C/E driver's license with ...
Our client - one of the leading european suppliers in its product groups food- is looking for an Metalworker to maintain technical systems. You are the ideal candidate if you have experience in installation and implementation of new technic...
Our client - one of the leading european suppliers in its product groups food- is looking for an Industrial mechanic to maintain equipment in the production area. You are the ideal candidate if you have experience as mechanic, mechatronics ...
Naš klijent - jedan od vodećih europskih tvrtki u prehambrenoj industriji - traži vozača kamiona za isporuku peradi (živih životinja) našim kupcima. Ti si idealan kandidat ako posjeduješ važeću vozačku dozvolu CE s važećim C95, vozačku kart...
Naš klijent - jedan od vodećih europskih tvrtki u prehambrenoj industriji - traži industrijskog mehaničara za održavanje opreme u proizvodnom području. Ti si idealni kandidat ako imaš iskustva kao mehaničar, tehničar mehatronike, mehaničar ...
Naš klijent - jedan od vodećih europskih tvrtki u prehambrenoj industriji - traži industrijskog električara za održavanje opreme u proizvodnom području. Ti si idealan kandidat ako imaš iskustva kao tehničar elektronike za industrijsku tehno...