Title: UABOS Spain: WRM Equipment Maintenance Manager Belong, Connect, Grow, with KBR! Program Summary KBR will sustain the operational well-being of U.S. armed forces at Morón Air Base (Spain), Incirlik Air Base, Izmir Air Station, a...
Title: UABOS Spain: Maintenance Leader Belong, Connect, Grow, with KBR! Program Summary KBR will sustain the operational well-being of U.S. armed forces at Morón Air Base (Spain), Incirlik Air Base, Izmir Air Station, and various faci...
Title: UABOS Spain: Corrosion Control Specialist/Welder Belong, Connect, Grow, with KBR! Program Summary KBR will sustain the operational well-being of U.S. armed forces at Morón Air Base (Spain), Incirlik Air Base, Izmir Air Station,...
Title: UABOS Spain: Materials Specialist Belong, Connect, Grow, with KBR! Program Summary KBR will sustain the operational well-being of U.S. armed forces at Morón Air Base (Spain), Incirlik Air Base, Izmir Air Station, and various fa...
Title: UABOS Spain: Environmental Specialist Belong, Connect, Grow, with KBR! Program Summary KBR will sustain the operational well-being of U.S. armed forces at Morón Air Base (Spain), Incirlik Air Base, Izmir Air Station, and variou...