Mae Prifysgol Abertawe'n brifysgol a arweinir gan ymchwil sydd wedi bod yn gwneud gwahaniaeth ers 1920. Mae cymuned y Brifysgol yn ffynnu ar archwilio a darganfod ac mae'n cynnig y cydbwysedd cywir o addysgu ac ymchwil rhagorol i gyd-fynd a...
The idea of Complexity, borrowed from Mathematics and Computer science, has recently emerged as generic Quantum Field Theories. While complexity is well-defined for simple systems like quantum circuits, calculating it for a Quantum Field Th...
Mae Prifysgol Abertawe'n brifysgol a arweinir gan ymchwil sydd wedi bod yn gwneud gwahaniaeth ers 1920. Mae cymuned y Brifysgol yn ffynnu ar archwilio a darganfod ac mae'n cynnig y cydbwysedd cywir o addysgu ac ymchwil rhagorol i gyd-fynd a...
Mae Prifysgol Abertawe'n brifysgol a arweinir gan ymchwil sydd wedi bod yn gwneud gwahaniaeth ers 1920. Mae cymuned y Brifysgol yn ffynnu ar archwilio a darganfod ac mae'n cynnig y cydbwysedd cywir o addysgu ac ymchwil rhagorol i gyd-fynd a...
Quantum mechanics and Einstein's general relativity (GR) are the two major mathematical pillars on which our understanding of the physical world rests. We know the world is quantum, and GR tells us that gravity is curvature of spacetime geo...
This is an exciting opportunity to explore the role of complex ecological communities in promoting resilience and maximising yields in large-scale algal bioreactors exposed to different environmental conditions. The specific aim is to optim...
In the UK, industries such as pharmaceuticals, food processing, and agriculture generate significant amounts of organic wastewater. Annually, the UK produces 2.4 billion cubic meters of wastewater, with about 50-70% being organic. Environme...
In this PhD you will help explore a new trajectory for AI research, EVE - everyone virtuoso everyday - to succinctly summarise the drive of the work. That is, we are interested in defining and evaluating a class of AI technology that enable...
In this PhD you will help explore a new trajectory for AI research, Everyone Virtuoso Everyday (EVE) - to succinctly summarise the drive of the work. That is, we are interested in defining and evaluating a class of AI technology that enable...
PhD position: We are seeking a highly motivated person for a fully funded PhD position to work in the development of sociotechnical interventions with and for Armed Forces Veterans (AFV). The key intersecting areas in the project will be ...