Are you looking for additional paid work around your existing commitments? We have a range of evening, weekend and early morning care calls which could fit around your existing schedule. Job Description Our care may include: helping you...
Home Instead New Forest is an award-winning home care company that offers the best in-home services. From companionship, home help, personal care to specialist care, we have care services suitable for everyone. Job Description Join Our ...
Home Instead provides in home support to individuals, enabling our clients to maintain their independence and stay in their homes for as long as they wish. We are looking for a compassionate individual to join our Live in Care team and help...
Home Instead is the world's leading provider of non medical care and companionship services to help clients remain independent, happy, and comfortable in their own homes. We treat our clients with dignity and respect, as we would members of...
Embrace a unique and rewarding opportunity at Home Instead as a Weekend Community Care Professional. This part-time role is specially designed for those who wish to make a significant difference during the weekends. Providing essential supp...
Job Details: Salary Range: £1,413 - £5,652 per annum, plus additional incident call out payments Work Location: Totton Fire Station Hours per week: Minimum of 31 on-call hours per week Contract Type: Permanent The Role: An on-ca...
Job Details: Salary Range: £1,413 - £5,652 per annum, plus additional incident call out payments Work Location: Lyndhurst Fire Station Hours per week: Minimum of 31 on-call hours per week Contract Type: Permanent The Role: An on...
Job Details: Salary Range: £1,413 - £5,652 per annum, plus additional incident call out payments Work Location: Totton Fire Station Hours per week: Minimum of 31 on-call hours per week Contract Type: Permanent The Role: An on-ca...
Job Details: Salary Range: £1,413 - £5,652 per annum, plus additional incident call out payments Work Location: Lyndhurst Fire Station Hours per week: Minimum of 31 on-call hours per week Contract Type: Permanent The Role: An on...
Job Summary: Gap Healthcare is currently recruiting for a dedicated Support Worker on behalf of our client based in Ipswich. We are looking for a compassionate individual to provide 2:1 care for individuals with Autism, mental health issu...