Job Description: COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER SCP range 18 - 23 (£30,559 - £33,366) 37 hours per week with some evenings and weekend working as required Responsible to: Town Clerk Direct Reports: Marketing Co-ordinator and Events Co-or...
Job Description: MARKETING CO-ORDINATOR SCP range 8 - 12 (£25,992 - £27,711) 37 hours per week with some evenings and weekend working as required Responsible to: Communications Manager Job Purpose: To be responsible for co-ordina...
Job Description: ASSET MANAGER SCP range 24 - 28 (£34,314 - £37,938) (Pro rata) 22 hours per week, with occasional evening and weekend working as required Responsible to: Operations Officer Job Purpose: To advise on and manage th...
Job Description: EVENTS CO-ORDINATOR SCP range 8 - 12 (£25,992 - £27,711) 37 hours per week with some evenings and weekend working as required Responsible to: Communications Manager Job Purpose: To oversee all aspects of event pl...
Job Description: SENIOR LIBRARY OFFICER SCP range 32 - 36 (£41,511 - £45,718) 37 hours per week with some evening meetings and weekend working on a rota basis. Responsible to: Town Clerk Direct Reports: Deputy Library Manager;wit...
Job Description: STRATEGIC PROJECTS OFFICER SCP range 32 - 36 (£41,511 - £45,718) 37 hours per week with some evenings and weekend working as required. Responsible to: Town Clerk Direct Reports: CCTV Operatives;Community Liaison ...
Job Description: HR MANAGER SCP range 18 - 23 (£30,559 - £33,366) (Pro rata 30 hours per week) Responsible to: Town Clerk Job Purpose: To provide HR support to the Town Council To provide comprehensive HR advice, guidance, and sup...
Job Description: FACILITIES TECHNICIAN SCP range 6 - 12 (£25,183 - £27,711) (SCP 6 payable to non-certified new starters. Advanced to SCP 8 and above on attainment of full qualifications/certifications required for the role) 37 hours...
Job Description: LIBRARY & INFORMATION ASSISTANT SCP range 6 - 12 (£25,183 - £27,711) 37 hours per week with some evening meetings and weekend working on a rota basis. Responsible to: Senior Library Officer / Deputy Library Officer ...
Job Description: COMMUNITY LIAISON MANAGER SCP range 18 - 23 (£30,559 - £33,366) 37 hours per week with some evenings and weekend working as required. Responsible to: Strategic Projects Officer Job Purpose: The Community Liaison ...