Job Title: Chess Teacher (Part Time) General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director of Educational Development, plans and facilitates an extracurricular course centered around chess for elementary, middle, and high school...
Job Title: Anime Club Teacher (Part Time) General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director of Educational Development, plans and facilitates an after-school course centered around anime for elementary, middle, and/or high s...
General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director of Educational Development, plans and facilitates an extracurricular course centered around business and finance for middle and high school students. Major Duties: Meets re...
Job Title: Anime Club Teacher (Part Time) General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director of Educational Development, plans and facilitates an after-school course centered around anime for elementary, middle, and/or high s...
Job Title: Coding Teacher (Part Time) General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director of Educational Development, plans and facilitates collaborative coding instructional sessions using a variety of coding languages, robot...
Job Title: Coding Teacher (Part Time) General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director of Educational Development, plans and facilitates collaborative coding instructional sessions using a variety of coding languages, robot...
Job Title: 3D Printing & Design Teacher (Part Time) General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director of Educational Development, plans and facilitates collaborative 3D printing & design instructional sessions using a variet...
Job Title: Anime Club Teacher (Part Time) General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director of Educational Development, plans and facilitates an after-school course centered around anime for elementary, middle, and/or high s...
General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director of Educational Development, plans and facilitates collaborative after school activity sessions for elementary, middle, and/or high school students. Major Duties: Report to ...
to our mission of offering comprehensive educational experiences by integrating physical education with character building and social...