Position Summary... What you'll do... About Walmart Global People Leaders and individual contributors alike look to our Global People teams to influence strategy, optimize working models and enable the business to achieve results whil...
Position Summary... What you'll do... The Sr Manager will provide and support the implementation of business solutions by building relationships, identifying business needs, and carrying out processes and practices. The role is in Bento...
Position Summary... What you'll do... At Walmart, we help people save money, so they can live better. This mission serves as the foundation for every decision we make and drives us to create the future of retail. We can't do that withou...
Position Summary... What you'll do... About the Team- We are the Connected Assistance (Mobile Calling) team. Connected Assistance is a mini-app in the Me@ ecosystem, enabling customer calls to be routed to associate handheld devices v...
Position Summary... What you'll do... Director, Business Analysis and Insights (Customer Insights Director) We are seeking a Director of Business Analysis and Insights to understand and interpret customer data. This role will focus on...
Position Summary... What you'll do... Are you passionate about pioneering cutting-edge technology that can revolutionize the world of associate (employee) experiences? Do you dream of playing a technical role that will shape the future ...
Position Summary... What you'll do... What you'll bring: Bachelor's degree or master's degree with 10+ years of experience in Computer Science or related field. With 7+ years of experience focused in developing frontend application wit...
Position Summary... What you'll do... About the Team: Join Walmart as a Senior Manager, Finance and your work could help over 295 million global customers live better every week. Yes, we are the Fortune #1 company. But you'll quickly ...
Position Summary... What you'll do... The role executes projects involving Data Science modeling and solutions in support of: End to End Fulfillment Transportation Forecasting using Forecasting as a Service Platform CC/DC/FC Labor F...
Position Summary... What you'll do... Walmart Global Tech is the technical powerhouse behind Walmart Global eCommerce. We employ big data at scale -- from machine learning, data mining and optimization algorithms, to modeling and analyz...