Under general supervision, develops industry-specific knowledge and experience required for promotion to Outside Sales Representative role. May rotate through various departments observing, learning and performing responsibilities in order ...
1. Application including field of study and agreement to attend annual golf outing. 2. Proof of admission/application for trade/vocation school or four-year college university...
Written Essay: Yes, the essay must be type written and one page in length. The topic of the essay: Why the applicant has chosen a career in the medical field Finalist Interview: No Award Received Tuition & Fees: $250 Method: Check m...
Established by: Duane Swisher was an educator and swim coach at Western Boone Jr/Sr High School for 24 years. During his tenure he strove to bring out the best in his students and athletes by encouraging hard work and dedication in their en...
Background: Natalie Duke was a 16 yr old sophomore at Western Boone Jr/Sr High School when she was killed in a car accident on April 15th, 2008. She especially enjoyed art classes, and participated in soccer, basketball and track. It is the...
Established by: Jim and Christina Bush are life-time residents of Harrison Township in Boone County. They have established this scholarship in memory of their son, James Ronald Bush, local area farmer and 1970 graduate of Granville Wells. I...
Established by: Earl Hoock was a long-time Physics and Mathematics teacher at Western Boone High Schools. He also drove a school bus for the Western Boone School District for many years. It is the family\'s goal to provide financial assista...
NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP WESTERN BOONE - Ralph F. and Katherine L.Beam Family Scholarship Background: Established by: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beam are long-time residents of Jamestown, Indiana. It is their goal to provide financial assistance tow...
Special Characteristics: Applicants must have participated in at least one varsity sport Special Preference: No Financial Need: No Minimum GPA: 2.0 Minimum GPA Written Essay: Yes, the essay must be type written and one page in lengt...
Background: Sandy Heffner was born in Boone County. She attended Zionsville Elementary and graduated from Zionsville High School. Sandy received her BS and Master's Degree from Butler University in Elementary Education. She and her husband,...