The IT Project Management, Senior will oversee and manage the information systems and technology projects throughout their lifecycle. This position is contingent upon award Essential Responsibilities: Overseeing and managing informati...
The Cybersecurity Operations Manager will provide management oversight for cybersecurity operations & intelligence functions. This position is contingent upon award Essential Responsibilities: Providing management oversight for cybers...
The Network Systems Design Support Manager will support and integrate new and existing operating systems. This position is contingent upon award Essential Responsibilities: Supporting and integrating new and existing operating systems...
WAN Design and Engineering Support Full Time Shaw AFB, SC Secret Clearance **This position is contingent upon contract award** Job Description: Responsibilities The WAND&ES will design and engineer enterprise WAN architecture. T...
Network/Systems Configuration Manager Full Time Shaw AFB, SC Secret and TS w/ SCI Eligibility Clearance **This position is contingent upon contract award** Job Description: Responsibilities The NSCM will collect, store, and mana...
Directory Services Engineer Full Time Shaw AFB, SC Secret Clearance **This position is contingent upon contract award** Job Description: Responsibilities The DSE will develop, implement, and maintain an active directory architec...
Campus/Datacenter Network Architecture Design and Engineering Support Full Time Shaw AFB, SC Secret Clearance **This position is contingent upon contract award** Job Description: Responsibilities The CDNAD&ES will design and eng...
Administrative/Security Manager Full Time Shaw AFB, SC TS Clearance with SCI Eligibility **This position is contingent upon contract award** Job Description: Responsibilities The ASM will coordinate deployment travel to include ...
Unified Communications Voice Architecture Design Engineer Full Time Shaw AFB, SC Secret Clearance **This position is contingent upon contract award** Job Description: Responsibilities The UCVADE will engineer, design and impleme...
Knowledge Operations Manager Full Time Shaw AFB, SC Secret Clearance **This position is contingent upon contract award** Job Description: Responsibilities The KOM will maintain the Knowledge Operations program in-conjunction wit...