Introduction The Long Island Sound Study is a bistate and stakeholder partnership dedicated to protecting and restoring the sound. While there has been significant progress in the restoration and protection of the resources of Long Islan...
Introduction Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Stewards Must be at least 18 years old. Length of positions: Six months from date of hire, but no greater than 1,040 hours total. Anticipated period of employment from April through October ...
Introduction The DEEP Marine Fisheries Program is recruiting for Seasonal Resource Assistants (SRAs) to work within 5 different projects (each project described in Examples of Duties section below). SRAs will be hired to work for a partic...
Introduction EP SRAs will generally work outside, in the field, across the State of Connecticut helping to restore and conserve highly migratory species of fish that live in both fresh and salt water (diadromous fish species). All of thes...