Title Code: Teacher: Program Magnet (Apex Arts) This posting creates a pool of candidates for future positions that may become available. JOB SUMMARY Provides for instruction of students by developing, selecting, and modifying instru...
Title Code: Teacher: Special Education This posting creates a pool of candidates for future positions that may become available. JOB SUMMARY Provides direct and indirect instruction to students with disabilities in-class or through vir...
Title Code: Teacher: Dance This posting creates a pool of candidates for future positions that may become available. JOB SUMMARY Instructs students in Dance I, II, III and IV;Dance for Athletes I, II, III and IV;and Dance Company I, ...
Title Code: Teacher: Computer Science This posting creates a pool of candidates for future positions that may become available. JOB SUMMARY Provides for instruction of students by developing, selecting, and modifying instructional plan...
Title Code: Teacher: World & Classical Language This posting creates a pool of candidates for future positions that may become available. JOB SUMMARY Provides for instruction of students by developing, selecting, and modifying instruct...
Title Code: Teacher: World & Classical Language This posting creates a pool of candidates for future positions that may become available. JOB SUMMARY Provides for instruction of students by developing, selecting, and modifying instruct...
Title Code: Teacher: Career & Technology Education This posting creates a pool of candidates for future positions that may become available. JOB SUMMARY Provides for instruction of students by developing, selecting, and modifying ins...
Title Code: Teacher: World & Classical Language This posting creates a pool of candidates for future positions that may become available. JOB SUMMARY Provides for instruction of students by developing, selecting, and modifying instruct...
Title Code: Teacher: Health Education This posting creates a pool of candidates for future positions that may become available. JOB SUMMARY Provides for instruction of students by developing, selecting, and modifying instructional plan...
Title Code: Teacher: Elementary This posting creates a pool of candidates for future positions that may become available. JOB SUMMARY Provides for instruction of students by developing, selecting, and modifying instructional plans and ...