The Job This recruitment is only open to current San Bernardino County, San Bernardino County Fire Protection District or Special Districts employees who hold a regular, contract, extra-help, recurrent, Public Service Employee, Work Exper...
The Job IMMEDIATE VACANCY FOR A LICENSED AGRICULTURAL STANDARDS OFFICER WITH CLASS B DRIVER LICENSE RECRUITMENT BONUS: Bonus payments up to $2,000 in total compensation may be available for newly hired employees from this recruitment.* ...
The Job San Bernardino County is recruiting for Electricians who install, maintain, replace, and service electrical systems and equipment in a variety of buildings throughout the County. Electricians work with both high voltage (120-480v)...
The Job EXCELLENT TRAINEE OPPORTUNITY WITH CAREER GROWTH FOR CANDIDATES WITH CLASS B DRIVER LICENSE RECRUITMENT BONUS: Bonus payments up to $2,000 in total compensation may be available for newly hired employees from this recruitment.* ...
Competitive Compensation and Benefit Package The comprehensive benefits and longevity-based compensation package offered by Southern California Permanente Medical Group (SCPMG) enables physicians to focus on what they do best – provide the...
The Job *** This recruitment is open only to current San Bernardino County Sheriff's Detective/Corporals. *** The Sheriff's Department is accepting applications for Sheriff's Sergeants who supervise a group of deputies and/or detective/...
The Job Exciting Opportunity To Work With The County's Legal Team Receive 14 Holidays Generous Vacation and Sick Time Executive Administrative Assistants may have the opportunity to work a flexible schedule after six months of emplo...
The Job This recruitment is for the San Bernardino County Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector only. The San Bernardino County Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector (ATC) is recruiting for Office Specialists for the Tax Colle...
The Job San Bernardino County is recruiting for Revenue Recovery Officers II to work in a fast-paced, high-volume collections environment and using a variety of methods to collect delinquent revenues due the County. Revenue Recovery Offic...
The Job San Bernardino County Land Use Services is seeking a motivated and detail-oriented to serve as Land Use Technicians. Land Use Technicians play a key role in processing various planning, building, and development-related applicatio...