Out Island Mates: Out Island Mates lead Out Island Adventure crews throughout the entirety of their seven-day adventure. Out Island mates are responsible for their crew from the moment they arrive until the moment they depart, which inclu...
As a Paraprofessional, you will support teachers by assisting with classroom activities and helping students with individual learning needs, including those with special needs, learning difficulties, or language barriers. Your role is vital...
Keys Adventure & Marine Eco Mates: Keys Adventure & Marine Eco mates lead both the Keys Adventure program and the Marine Eco Expedition Program. Mates are responsible for leading crews through a seven-day, six-night adventure, consisting ...
STEM Educators lead Marine STEM crews of up to 8 participants. Educators are responsible for curriculum lectures and leading discussions in the field. Candidates should have a strong background in marine science/ecology and/or outdoor educa...