Frank Sinatra - I Give You My Word
Fecha de Publicación: Hace 9 años
Artísta: Frank Sinatra
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Letra 'I Give You My Word'
full musical rendition of the song,
as Tommy usually does.
Frank after all is only his vocalist)
Tommy Dorsey:
The second spot in our Fame And Fortune Show
is always saved for the romantic Frank
Sinatra. Take Frank s voice and a swell ballad like this
one, and you have the perfect twosome.
Franklin, I Give You My Word.
Sinatra sings:
I give you my word, I ll never love again.
I give you my word, this is my first and last romance.
I gave my lips, my heart and soul to you,
My heart will break if you don t take me too.
I give you my word, you are the only one.
All heaven has heard what your love has done.
Darling, what s the good of life without love, or love without you,
I ll never change, I give you my word.
(full coda)