Laura Pausini - Lo siento ( en ingles)

Fecha de Publicación: Hace 9 años
Artísta: Laura Pausini


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Letra 'Lo siento ( en ingles)'

Mama I dreamed you called at my door
a little tense and the spectacle blur
you wanted to look good and was the first time
Today felt like you knew you missed
and hugged me while you marvel
they put up with sad and breathless
ago so we are not embraced
and the Silensia told me sorry

But enough noise to wake
to mourn and to make return
those days as a child looked after me
where in the summer sky and sand gathered
with my old doll while you listen
stories each night that you were telling me
smaller and when you cuddle me
adormesida in your lap and I dreamed

But felt like changing the diesis
and as I am now I would really
and I felt so alone and so hopelessness
because I was no longer the daughter you wanted
and so was the end of nuetra Confians
small talks that helped both
I hid behind a Ajero than pasiensia
and you wanted your son you have been denied

And I spent the day without returning home
not stand for anything your sermons
Commencing and I too jealous turn
because you were almost as beautiful inalcansable
and abandon my dream to lack of baggage
throw my heart into the sea in a Basij
lost his memory due to lack of courage
because both abergonsaba me be your daughter
uhh noo noo ...
uhh uhh noo noo noo ...
mmmm ...

But did not you call your door ami
inutilmente tube a dream that can not be
my mind is so full of this
that I will not let me forgive horgullo
But if you called at my door in another dream
not achieve a word pronunsiar
I would look with your gesture so severe
and I would feel increasingly alone

Why I m so confused in this letter
to find some peace in what I think
not ask for excuses or reclamerte
is only for breast desirte sorry
and it is not true that I feel avergonsada
are nuetras souls as well as peres
esperare pasient sitting here
I love you so write me mama ...
... your daughter