Vocaloid 2 - Iroha Uta (en inglés)

Fecha de Publicación: Hace 9 años
Artísta: Vocaloid 2


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Letra 'Iroha Uta (en inglés)'

If it is what you wish,
I shall willingly let you leash me
with a lace, a rope, or a chain,
as though I m an obedient dog.

Or, acting like a kitty,
I shall affectionately
please you and make you happy
with my fingers, feet, and lips.

It does not matter
which one of us fell for the other first.

Flowers, albeit fragrant, will eventually scatter.
In our world, who can remain perpetual?
I wish to know, more and more, all the way to the core.

Today, crossing the remote mountains of vainglory,
lest we experience superficial dreams or intoxication.
Let me become tinged with your color,
although it will eventually fade, no matter how fragrant.

If you should command me
to bloom in winter like the camellia flowers,
I shall gladly bare my skin
to the snow and frost, just for you.

Or, if you have an urge to see
a noble rose on the brink of scattering,
I shall readily wrap my neck and hair with fragrance,
and then slowly wither away.

Even if your scent has permeated the marrows of my bones,
it still will not be sufficient for me.

Flowers, albeit fragrant, will eventually scatter.
In our world, who can remain perpetual?
I wish to know, more and more, all the way to the core.

Today, crossing the remote mountains of vainglory,
lest we experience superficial dreams or intoxication.
Let me transform myself, just for you.

Flowers, albeit fragrant, will eventually scatter.
In our world, who can remain perpetual?
I wish to know, more and more, all the way to the core.

Today, crossing the remote mountains of vainglory,
lest we experience superficial dreams or intoxication.
Let me fall into the abyss together with you,
whilst fragrant, even if all the way to the bottom.