Mc Menxaxero - Rebelión (en inglés)

Fecha de Publicación: Hace 8 años
Artísta: Mc Menxaxero


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Letra 'Rebelión (en inglés)'

War cries are heard dogs streets waving rujen altered beasts and move the hip morras pure rhyme is sounding good double x here representing my own style well authenticated backed extending the panorama neighborhoods neighborhoods I am not the threatening anger I face arrest at any time and place where lasting friendships Agha clear accounts a good and well that danced on instincts that pace in the palm of my hand is unbeaten together as brothers do not toasting red wine I occupy

I am more ancient hieroglyphic manuscripts tap as injustice in the constitution is written the truth is hidden behind the ink and uncertain past unreal applies to upset you bend a spiral leaves you breathless blindly prostrate before the altar time will come no tomorrow only today have to reach out soon without fear mycrofon obsessively and give everything for nothing and I and every mistake led me to where I am every misstep is a tenor turned his scores this flow is an industry a conspiracy that raises rebellion conclude gestation time when the action is controversial and annihilation of the brush gives the mother to my nation I am very far east side menxaxero ten thousand years have traveled to emphasize this legacy another soldier stepped front subconscious were assigned to another level therefore the eagle and the snake tattooed on the forehead m Mexican hot blood as fighting cocks do not compare two three puppets with this warrior of the night lightning cimbrando the foundations of my Mexico stuck knowledge thousand arguments are solid as cedars wind successes Complete you from the bottom in my brain like the hill explored the black charro fire dance tribute to the hip hop and the whole sky game please think ahead and to see my reflexes are fast as arrows of the gods do not give manteen poses appearances nor plowed faith songs of peace as when it was free compas barrabas screams of despair and doom for the entire world where you are this time in your hole no salvation the more accurate menxaxero night street a gentleman as my claws digging pole spectrum within this movement that captures pole the best teacher I do not try for me everything is possible looking at the sky with my eyes peeled rifle firm always defend me get up and my neighborhood which insists on giving battle step till you give the likes insists doblegues not worth you hip hop mothers never shuts large vocal exponents in more details I leave between the soul and bones most perverse events are my canvases something fools are my nerves as I walk in cemeteries between bodies and malicious proverbs almost eternal many rainy days ..

The hell where the logs and I turn and rest with great joy I turn to brig ambitious entertain the crumbs of the pieces that I threw cough and cough so scandalous rap pa pa your click and your home.