Job Summary The Japanese Instructor will introduce school-age students to the basics of the Japanese language, focusing on fundamental conversational skills, simple symbol identification, and foundational vocabulary. This role is essentia...
Job Title: Pokemon TCG Teacher (Part Time) General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director of Educational Development, plans and facilitates an after-school Pokemon TCG after school club for elementary, middle, and/or high...
Job Title: Robotics Teacher (Part Time) General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director of Educational Development, plans and facilitates collaborative robotics instructional sessions. Major Duties: Meets regularly wit...
Description As a Cheerleading Instructor, you will play a crucial role in developing and nurturing our students' cheerleading skills, team spirit, and confidence. This position involves teaching cheerleading techniques, choreographies, an...
Job Summary We are seeking a dedicated and passionate Cooking Instructor for elementary/middle/high school students. This role is pivotal in enriching our curriculum with practical, engaging, and comprehensive cooking education. The instr...
Job Title: Digital Animation Teacher (Part Time) General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director of Educational Development, plans and facilitates collaborative and interactive digital animation instructional sessions. M...
Job Title: Coding Teacher (Part Time) General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director of Educational Development, plans and facilitates collaborative coding instructional sessions using a variety of coding languages, robot...
Job Title: Anime Club Teacher (Part Time) General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director of Educational Development, plans and facilitates an after-school course centered around anime for elementary, middle, and/or high s...
Job Title: 3D Printing & Design Teacher (Part Time) General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director of Educational Development, plans and facilitates collaborative 3D printing & design instructional sessions using a variet...
Job Description: Summary We're seeking an experienced Software Engineer to join our team and contribute to migrating ***'s Android codebase to the latest frameworks and secure design patterns. As a Software Engineer, you will: Design, im...